Project Start

In the past, I had worked on several ideas in different environments. Because the challenge of a problem was my motivation, all of them were very ambitious. Often, I came up to the point, where I lost myself into details and didn’t do any progress. Meanwhile completely new ideas grew out of me, which attracted my attention until that point where the original project was on hold.

The idea was born the set up a simple environment to start with. All of my visions of the final product got broken down to the lowest common denominator, which resulted in my “Minimum viable Product”. This should be my Sandbox to test out all other ideas.

Projectgoals(First Milestone):

–       Focus on the minimum viable product/function, everytime
–       It will be a True First Person Shooter
–       It will be working with full multiplayer support using Steam
–       The playergoal will be to hold themselfs against waves
         of the simplest imaginable Zombie-AI
–       Get a running Copy to Friends and have some fun!!!

Project Vision:

–       Realistic simulation of weapon behaviour
–       Enable the player to experience a real gunfight
         (getting supressed, getting wounded, etc.)
–       Challanging AI (with some sort of squad awareness, later on)